Centre for Disaster Management Studies, in collaboration with Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College organised a seven day Online Capacity Building Program during March 1-7, 2021. The capacity building program was initiated under the aegis of Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), Ministry of Education, Government of India. The theme for the capacity building program was "Hydrometeorological Disaster: Techniques of Measuring, Monitoring and Management of Floods." This was a specially designed program for faculty members and research scholars with certificates based on strict attendance and assessments parameters. The resource persons were the experts from the respective field i.e. from IIT Roorkee, NIH Roorkee, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, ISRO, Government of India, Dehradun, University of Delhi, National Institute of Disaster Management, Gujarat University and NUS Singapore. The program has been attended by 125 participants from different disciplines including Geography, Geology, Engineering, Development Studies, Ecology, Commerce and Management, Hydrology, GIS and many more. The digital mode has definitely added the benefit to people and spatial spectrum of learning; participants were from different universities / institution across India and a few international as well.